In addition to pastoral candidates who seek ordination through our conference, we also credential other ministerial roles. Our credentialing process for each of these roles is listed below.
Generally speaking, ordination is a four-year process that involves interviews, online classes, and yearly attendance at our Annual Conference in May as well as our Summer School of Theology in August. The costs of your travel and training are covered by the School of Theology (for approved candidates).
Candidates for our Pastoral ministry who are members of a Primitive Methodist Church must have the recommendation of his Quarterly Conference and the District Conference. His name shall be submitted to the Conference and then referred to the Examining Committee of the School of Theology.
Candidates who are not members of a Primitive Methodist Church shall be examined, prior to the Annual Conference sessions, by a committee made up of members of the School of Theology. His name shall be submitted to the Conference and then referred to the Examining Committee of the School of Theology.
All Candidates shall be required to study the curriculum as prescribed by the School of Theology. Every candidate shall be required to abstain from the use of tobacco and all alcoholic beverages and from using drugs for other than proper medical purposes.
A three-fourths vote of the Conference shall be required to admit a candidate to the Student Ministry. A student Pastor shall be amenable to the Examining Committee and shall meet as required with the Committee. He shall be required to attend the Summer School of Theology and fulfill all requirements as directed by the School of Theology. The length of his Student Ministry shall be determined by the School of Theology.
Upon completion of his Student Ministry, he may apply for ordination as an Elder. Conference will not recognize as valid the ordination of any student for our ministry by any other denomination or group during the term of his Student Ministry.
An Elder shall have met all the requirements of the School of Theology and the Conference, and shall have received the rite of ordination. He shall have the full rights and privileges of the Conference and shall be entitled to participate in the system of itinerancy.
Licensed Pastor
The licensed pastor is a man who is licensed by Conference to execute the pastoral ministry in a specific local church assigned by the stationing committee. His primary office is to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Holy Christian Scriptures. He is authorized to preside over Quarterly Conference or the Board of Elders, perform marriage in accordance with local and state laws, baptize and present communion.
To apply for this position applicants must:
1. Provide evidence of High School graduation.
2. Complete the Application prepared by the School of Theology which shall include appropriate background screening.
3. Be examined by the local church and District (or School of Theology) wishing to present the man for licensing. Examination shall include a statement of call to preach the gospel and a basic understanding of the Bible in content, teachings, and rational life application.
4. Have a positive two thirds vote of the District, and be included in the District’s business for Conference.
5. At Conference he will be examined by the School of Theology which will present their recommendation to the Conference body.
6. Conference must vote in a two thirds majority to accept a man into the preparatory course for licensing.
7. No man will be licensed without a minimum of two years probation in the Student Minister program.
The program will include the Elders course of study with thesis, attendance at Summer School of Theology, and a two thirds majority vote of the School faculty and also a two thirds vote by the Conference body upon completion of the course.
Upon completion and two thirds vote he shall be licensed with a document including the signature of the General Secretary and the President of Conference.
Conference must renew the license at each at each National Conference upon recommendation by his Church, District and School of Theology or it will become invalid.
A properly credentialed Pastor transferring from another denomination shall be received in the same standing he held in said denomination, upon presentation of his credentials, recommendation of the Examining Committee and a three-fourth (3/4's) vote of the Conference. He will serve a two year probationary period before being received as an Elder and received into the itinerant system. Previous ordination of Pastoral Transfers shall be publicly recognized without the laying on of hands. A proper certificate of standing shall be presented to him.
A retired Pastor is (1) one who is unable, because of infirmity, to serve a church, or (2) one who has chosen to remove his name from the itinerant system. Retired Pastors in good standing shall have all the rights and privileges of Pastors in full-time work in all official meetings and deliberative bodies, and shall be subject to the same disciplinary regulations as other members. A retired Pastor may be employed by the District, Conference, or Conference Boards.
Is a Pastor under leave of absence from the active Primitive Methodist pastorate. A Pastor may be on sabbatical because of ill health or personal reasons. Any Pastor may apply for a Sabbatical. His status shall be reviewed annually with a limit of three years. Any Pastor desiring to return to the active pastorate must be examined by the School of Theology and appear at Conference to be stationed by the Conference Stationing Committee.
A Deaconess is a woman who, led by the Holy Spirit, gives herself to Christian service under the authority of the church. She must be a member of the denomination for at least two years and exhibit the qualities needful to this office. A woman desiring to become a Deaconess must be recommended by the Quarterly Conference. She must enroll in the School of Theology and complete the prescribed course. Upon approval of the Examining Committee and the Conference she shall be licensed as a Deaconess. A service of consecration without the laying on of hands, shall be arranged by the President of the Conference in the church where the Deaconess will serve. Duties of the Deaconess shall be to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of those to whom she shall be directed. Her office shall be under the jurisdiction of the Pastor and the Quarterly Conference, and she shall report to them as required. Any and all financial arrangements will be made through the local church. Upon written notice, the Conference shall release any person desiring to retire from this office. All Deaconesses shall be members of the Quarterly Conference.
Upon the transfer of membership of a local church Deaconess, she shall retain her title and license, but her privilege to serve that church shall be contingent upon the approval of the church's Quarterly Conference in which she will hold membership.
A man applying for a local Preacher's license shall be examined by a committee of three appointed by the Quarterly Conference. The Pastor of the church shall be a member of this committee. The finding of the committee shall be presented to the Quarterly Conference for action. Upon approval of the Quarterly Conference, the candidate shall enroll in the School of Theology, and upon completion of the prescribed course shall be presented with a certificate from the School of Theology.
All accredited Local Preachers shall have, with the consent of the local Pastor, authority to baptize, administer the Lord's Supper and conduct funeral services. All accredited Local Preachers are eligible to serve as Conference Pastoral Supplies when so appointed by the Conference.
No person using tobacco, intoxicating beverages or narcotics shall be considered as a candidate.
A. District Pastors
A District Pastor is a Primitive Methodist retired Elder who is employed by the District Superintendent to fill a vacancy with the approval of the local church and the District.
B. District Supply
A District Supply is one who is employed by the District Superintendent to fill a vacancy with the approval of the local church and the District. He shall not have the rights of the pastoral ministry (i.e. the administration of the sacraments and the performances of marriages) unless he carries a recognized license or certificate of ordination. The District Superintendent has the authority to grant approval to a District Supply to serve communion in extenuating circumstances. The District Supply shall be directly responsible to the District Superintendent for his conduct and his tenure.
Ordained Elders are elected by local congregations, and the election is approved by the Conference Stationing Committee. Elders who have not accepted a call, Student Pastors and Conference Pastoral Supplies shall be appointed by the Conference Stationing Committee. A Pastoral Transfer shall be required to accept appointment to his first pastorate by the Conference Stationing Committee. Appointments by the Conference are binding for two years.
Vacancies occurring during the pastoral year are filled under the direction of the District Superintendent in whose District the vacancy occurs.
Pastors shall begin their new pastorates on the first Sunday in the month of June. Upon assuming his pastorate, the Pastor shall familiarize himself with the membership and the spiritual and financial condition of the church. In all cases the spiritual interests and oversight of all departments of his pastorate shall be under his direction. The Pastor is the chairman of the Quarterly Conference and all congregational meetings except the meeting called for the invitation of Pastor.
It shall be the duty of Pastors to preach Christ crucified and risen from the dead for our sins; to talk with the members about their spiritual relationship to the Lord; to see that relief and help is given when needed; to strengthen and support those who are discouraged and experiencing temptations; to exhort those who have become cold and indifferent; to take advantage of opportunities to strengthen and instruct all in faith, grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ; to visit the sick and to model the doctrine they preach by a well-ordered and exemplary life. Their business should be to lead as many souls to Christ as possible and to continue to disciple the believer. To this goal they should give themselves unreservedly. They should be faithful in these efforts until our Lord shall come. He shall see that the required training courses for membership are organized. He shall equip the saints for works of ministry.